The other day, when I was trying to implement loading of Disqus Commenting System on click of a button, I needed to remove the existing comment section provided by WordPress and Genesis Framework. I use Genesis Framework on TechWelkin because I found it to be the best available framework for WP websites. Genesis provides a large number of functions and hooks that a developer can use in order to customize this framework. Because this framework works on the basis of hooks and functions, I was looking for a suitable hook that I could use to remove comments section from my post pages. But the solution turned out to be much simpler! If you want to remove complete comments section, you can simply disable it by going to Genesis menu > Theme Settings > Comments and Trackbacks Here you can disable comments on posts and pages as per your requirements. This action will remove comments section from all your posts and/or pages. If you wish to remove comments just from one or few posts/pages, you will get the option for this on: Posts/Pages > All Posts/Pages > Hover over the title of post/page where you want to disallow comments > Quick Edit > Uncheck “Allow comments” There is another method which can be used to hide comments section. But this methods only hides comments and does not remove the section altogether. Well, of course, you know what I am saying! You can use CSS display:none or visibility:hidden properties to hide comments from pages and posts. But why would you want to remove comments section? There could be any number of reasons. For example, you may be getting way too many spam comments. Another reason could be that you simply want to keep the topic discussed in post away from public interactions. Honestly, there could really be a large number of factors because of which you may want to remove the comments box from your WordPress blog. Anyway, now you know what to do when you have a need to remove comments from WordPress Genesis Framework! Thank you for using TechWelkin. I hope it answered your query. Please let me know if you have any questions.