Kiln mitts or gloves: These should be worn when handling any part of a kiln (other than a control panel) while it is firing or cooling. Even after power or fuel has been turned off, kilns will remain hot for hours. Do not open or touch until fully cooled. Dark glasses: Glasses from a safety supply house are recommended when looking into kiln spy holes. These protect your eyes from the radiant heat. Regular sunglasses are inadequate for this purpose and may actually melt. Protective glasses may also allow you to see your cone packs more clearly.

Vent kilns properly. Follow the kiln manufacturer’s instructions and use a licensed heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) contractor for proper installation. HVAC contractors have the equipment to accurately test the adequacy of the system’s ventilation. Light a match in front of the kiln’s hood. If the system is working properly, the hood draw should blow the match out. Always turn on your kiln hood or vent prior to loading to prevent ceramic glaze dust exposure.

Carbon dioxide is given off during any fuel-burning firing. Overexposure leads to blood oxygen levels falling, a decrease in hearing and pulse rate, and a rise in blood pressure.Carbon monoxide is released during reduction firing. Exposure can lead to headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and drowsiness. Carbon monoxide can be lethal.Sulfur dioxide can be released when firing soluble metal salts. It is a strong lung irritant.

Electric kilns should be fired according to the manufacturer’s instructions.