A kiln is basically a container in which heat is built up to the temperatures required to fire ceramics. The heat can be created by running electricity through heating elements or by burning fuels. For more information, read:

Kiln Buying Basics: what to consider before buying a kiln What Kind of Kiln Is It?: types of kilns by their construction style Electric Kiln Basics: things you need to know about electric kilns before buying or installing one 3 Types of Specialized Kilns

. Human-powered wheels use a heavy flywheel attached to a wheelhead. The flywheel is rotated around its axis using hand or leg power, which then powers the wheelhead as the potter centers or throws the clay. Electric wheels are extensively used today. Electricity, controlled by a foot pedal, powers, and controls the rotation of the wheelhead. Learn more about them at:

6 Aspects of Electric Potter’s Wheels

Thinking of purchasing a potter’s wheel? Check out:

How to Buy a Potter’s Wheel

The three main pieces of clay processing equipment are clay mixers, pugmills, and pugger-mixers. Clay mixers only mix clay body ingredients and are also used to recycle clay scraps. Pug mills homogenizes clay that has already been mixed. Pugger-mixers can do both.