Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)Office of Public Affairs (20505)Established: 1947Director of Central Intelligence: John Brennan The CIA conducts counterintelligence activities and other functions related to foreign intelligence and national security, as directed by the President and National Security Council. The Director reports to the Director of National Intelligence. www.cia.gov U.S. Commission on Civil Rights624 9th St., NW (20425) Established: 1957Chair: Martin R. Castro The commission investigates complaints of discrimination and denial of equal protection of laws, evaluates Federal laws concerning discrimination and denial of equal protection, and issues public service messages that discourage discrimination. www.usccr.gov Consumer Product Safety Commission4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, Md. 20814Established: Oct. 27, 1972Chair: Inez Tenenbaum The CPSC aims to reduce the risk of injuries and deaths from consumer products by developing and enforcing safety standards, recalling defective products, and researching potentially hazardous products. www.cpsc.gov Corporation for National and Community Service1201 New York Ave., NW (20525) Established: Sept. 1993CEO: Wendy Spencer www.cns.gov Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (20460) Established: Dec. 2, 1970Administrator: Gina McCarthy The EPA mission is to protect human health and the natural environment—air, water, and land—by making and enforcing environmental laws. www.epa.gov Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)1801 L. St., NW (20507)4Members: 5Established: July 2, 1965Chair: Jacqueline A. Berrien The EEOC promotes equal opportunity in employment by enforcing federal civil-rights laws and through education and technical assistance. www.eeoc.gov Farm Credit Administration (FCA)1501 Farm Credit Dr., McLean, Va. 22102-5090Members: 13Established: March 27, 1933Chair: Jill Long Thompson www.fca.gov Federal Communications Commission (FCC)445 12th Street, SW (20554)Established: 1934Chair: Mignon Clyburn www.fcc.gov Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)550 17th St., NW (20429-9990) Established: June 16, 1933Chair: Martin J. Gruenberg The FDIC insures banks deposits so that people’s money is protected if a bank fails. The FDIC also supervises 6,000 banks and financial institutions and manages bank failures to minimize complications. www.fdic.gov Federal Election Commission (FEC)999 E St., NW (20463) Members: 6Established: 1975Chair: Ellen L. Weintraub The FEC was created to uphold the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), which regulates the financing of federal elections. www.fec.gov Federal Maritime Commission800 North Capitol St., NW (20573-0001) Members: 5Established: Aug. 12, 1961Chair: Mario Corderowww.fmc.gov Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)2100 K St., NW (20427)Established: 1947Director: George H. Cohen www.fmcs.gov Federal Reserve System (FRS), Board of Governors of20th St. & Constitution Ave., NW (20551) Members: 7Established: Dec. 23, 1913Chair: Ben Bernanke The Federal Reserve System, which includes 12 regional Federal reserve banks that are supervised by a Federal Reserve Board, is the central bank of the United States. Its original mission was to ensure the country’s financial system remained stable. Its role has expanded and now includes regulating credit conditions and loan rates, regulating banks, and advising the government on the country’s payments system. www.federalreserve.gov Federal Trade Commission (FTC)600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (20580) Members: 5Established: Sept. 26, 1914Chair: Edith Ramirez The FTC enforces several federal antitrust and consumer-protection laws. The Commission makes sure the nation’s businesses are competitive, healthy, free of unfair restrictions, and are fair to consumers. www.ftc.gov General Services Administration (GSA)1800 F St., NW (20405) Established: July 1, 1949Administrator: Daniel M. Tangherlini The mission of GSA is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to government and the American people.www.gsa.gov U.S. International Trade Commission500 E St., SW (20436) Members: 6Established: Sept. 8, 1916Chair: Irving Williamson The Commission serves the public by implementing U.S. law and contributing to the development of sound and informed U.S. trade policy. www.usitc.gov National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Public Communications and Inquiries Management Office, NASA Headquarters, Suite 1M32 (20546-0001)Established: 1958Administrator: Charles F. Bolden, Jr. NASA conducts research and develops programs in the areas of space exploration, artificial satellites, and rocketry. NASA’s best known projects are the Space Shuttle, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Galileo mission to Jupiter, and the agency’s aeronautics research. www.nasa.gov