Before you start stitching, let’s look at where the badges go. Luckily, the Girl Scouts of America have put together some easy charts to help you out with Insignia Placement. This is very important because misplaced insignia can crowd out those you will need to add later. It’s no fun ripping stitches and restitching patches. Along with the placement chart, you’ll need a needle and thread or a sewing machine. Let’s take a look at hand stitching. Before you start, take a look at the number of badges you need to affix, and how much room they will take up. Lay them out on the sash or vest first. Mark the fabric with chalk if you need to make a few guidelines. Use a simple straight stitch to attach each badge. The line where the badge fabric meets the border is typically the easiest place to sew. Small stitches work best, but it will take more time. This is a great activity to do on the couch during movie time. Need something faster? Let’s take a look at sewing on badges with a machine. Use a needle suitable for denim and heavier fabrics. Set the stitch length to “2” on the machine and opt for the straight stitch. When sewing corners like on triangular Brownie badges, stitch all the way to the corner, then stop the needle while it is in the down position. Turn the fabric while the needle holds your spot. Resume sewing along the next side. The machine stitching can be hard to maneuver on curves, so you may end up with a hexagonal shape when sewing on circular patches. This is fine, but you can use a clear thread if you are worried about showing stitches on the front of the patch. Also, slow the machine down to a crawl until you get proficient at those curves. Don’t forget to mention your badge sewing labors to your troop leader. There may just be a sewing badge in it for you!