How to Find the Official Monopoly Rules for Your Edition

Hasbro has more than 100 different Monopoly editions, and you can find the rules for each from the Consumer Care link on their homepage. From there, select Toy and Game Instructions and use the search box if you have a specific edition you are looking for. You can search by name or product number, so if you have the product number, you can ensure you are getting the correct rule list. With Monopoly, you will find that simply entering Monopoly in the search box nets more than 100 different versions. You can sort them in alphabetic order, reverse alphabetic order, or newest first. You would think that selecting the newest first would place the classic Monopoly rules at the end of the list, but this is not the case. It’s also not helpful that the classic Monopoly doesn’t have a product number. The classic Monopoly rules at Hasbro appear more than once on the list. The version linked above is well-scanned, and the text is available to copy and paste if you wish to do so. There is another version that is very poorly scanned, with crooked pages, and done as an image so you can’t copy or paste from it. A PDF file is a downloadable file you can read or print.

Finding Monopoly Rules Online

It’s easy to lose the printed instructions that come with games, especially if you bought them used or inherited them from other people. There are tricks for finding them online. Companies often reorganize their websites, so links that once went to the information you want may get broken. There are a few tricks for finding product information, rules, and instructions from many company websites. First, find the official company website. If you are looking for a game that has had more than one publisher, that in itself can be a challenge. Check the packaging of the game for any clues as to who published your edition. You can also do a web search for the name of your game and “official rules.” This may be successful in giving you a direct link. However, sometimes it isn’t to the official website but instead to a fan site or sales site, which may leave the official nature of the rules in doubt. It’s best to go to the game producer’s website and look for the instructions there. As with Hasbro, the best places to look are on their pages for Consumer Care, Help, Support, or Contact Us. But sometimes the links are located on their product details page in the shopping section of their site.