Linkedin defines endorsement as the feature of Linkedin to verify the strength once mentioned. The connection of the person can easily endorse them. When someone endorses other people, it means that they support the skills written in the person’s profile. This verifies that the skill of the person is true as per the person who endorses them. Linkedin is promoting endorsement feature a lot nowadays. People can endorse the skills which you mention in your profile. It is also very easy to add interests on Linkedin along with the skills.

Why is Linkedin Endorsement Important?

As we already said, Linkedin is promoting its endorsement feature very much right now. So, in that case, the endorsement must be important. The value of endorsement is increasing as it helps in recruiting, social growth, and in your overall growth. When you are skilled as well as endorsed, makes the profile more appealing. You also tend to appear at the top of search results as per the number of endorsements. The people who want to work with you or hire you will also feel more comfortable in hiring you. So, there are a lot of reasons to endorse someone on Linkedin.

How to Endorse Someone on Linkedin?

You can easily endorse someone on Linkedin. There have been various changes in the platform and endorsement is one of them. Previously you could endorse people by writing their skills. However, as of now, you can only endorse the skills which people have mentioned in their profiles only. To endorse someone on Linkedin just follow these steps:

1. Open Linkedin and go to the profile whom you want to endorse.

2. Scroll down in their profile to find the ‘Skills’ section. Below the skill, you want to endorse, tap on ‘Endorse’.

This way you can easily endorse people on Linkedin. You can do so from your smartphones as well as your PCs. By endorsing someone, you can help them in moving their career ahead.

How can I Receive More Endorsements on Linkedin?

To receive more endorsements on Linkedin, you can perform various tasks. If you connect with people whom you have worked with, there is a higher chance to get endorsements. Such people know you and will give endorsements as per your skills. The next way is to endorse someone on Linkedin. When you endorse someone on Linkedin, they tend to endorse you back as well. You can also post content, articles, and posts to be regularly active on Linkedin. This way also you, youmore endorsements which canthat can helpeer.

What is the Difference Between Endorsement and Recommendation?

Linkedin Endorsements and Recommendation may sound similar but are not and have a lot of differences. You can ask for or someone else can ask you for a recommendation. However, you can not ask or others can not ask you for endorsements. The recommendation looks like a traditional letter while the endorsement is similar to a thumbs up. You can list your skills and people can only endorse those skills. To get recommendations, you do not need to add skills. Recommendation however gives you a better chance to land the job than endorsements.


Hence you can easily endorse someone on Linkedin using your smartphone as well as your PC. Just follow the steps given above and you are all good to go. Thank you for reading the article. We hope you got your answer on how to endorse someone on Linkedin. Please share this article with your friends and help us grow. If you have any queries or comments do leave them in the comment box.


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