I knew that there must be some option in YouTube to create a link to a specific time in a given video. And such an option indeed exists! It reminded me of the time when we were able to share the link of a Facebook post but there was no option to have a link of specific comment on a specific post. Later on, Facebook provided this feature.

There is not much difference between a YouTube and Youtu.be URL. But if the video link you have is that of Youtu.be — the you need to do a slight change in the above mentioned method. In Youtu.be link, just replace & with ?. So, instead of &t=25m04s you should append ?t=25m04s at the end of the Youtu.be URL. Simple! isn’t it? Now let’s see a demo of this method. There is an interview of mine on YouTube. First 56 seconds in this video are used up in an intro sequence. The real interview begins at the 57th second. So, if I wanted to create a link exactly to the 57th second, it would be like: YOUTUBE URL: https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=LIgRmdJMgl4&t=00m57s or YOUTU.BE URL: https:// youtu. be /LIgRmdJMgl4?t=00m57s Here is the video I am talking about. Play the video and you will see that it will begin playing at 57 seconds.

Inbuilt Option in YouTube: Copy Video URL at Current Time

As you might have expected, YouTube also provides an inbuilt facility. It allows you to copy the video URL at a particular time.

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How to Create YouTube Link of a Specific Time in Video - 51