At first, the URL might not matter to you. But later on, when your channel grows, the URL becomes very important. If you do not have a custom URL, people will not subscribe to your channel. The channel will look like a fake one if anything such happens. People will remember your channel’s URL and increase the overall visitor number in your channel.

What Should I Remember Before I Change Youtube URL?

The first thing you need to remember will be about eligibility. Youtube has fixed certain eligibility so inactive users can not get many benefits from them. In order to change Youtube URL, the channel should have at least 100 subscribers. If you do not then the first thing is to increase your subscribers count. The channel should also be 30 days or older than that to qualify. The next requirement is that you should have uploaded a profile picture and a banner image to your channel. If you fulfill these criteria, then only you will be able to change your channel’s URL. You can not change the URL if you do not fulfill these criteria then you can not use a custom URL. The policy of Youtube is great for regular users but not much if you are not one of them.

How to Change Youtube URL?

If you are sure that you meet all the criteria from Youtube then you can easily create a custom URL for your channel. Growing your channel on Youtube is always challenging but the custom URL makes the task a bit easier. In order to change Youtube URL, you will need to open Youtube Studio from a PC or web browser. To change Youtube URL from Youtube studio follow these steps below:

1. Open Youtube Studio and scroll down to find ‘Customization’ and then tap on it.

2. Tap on ‘Basic Info’ and scroll down to find the Channel URL.

3. Under it tap on ‘Set a custom URL for your channel‘.

4. You can select the suggested URL or write down your own URL.

5. Tap on ‘Publish’.

Hence by following the steps above you will be able to choose your own custom URL. You can not do it directly from the Youtube studio app on your smartphone but easily from your PCs and web browsers.

How to Delete My Custom Youtube URL?

You can also delete your custom Youtube URL if you are not satisfied with it. To delete the URL, log in to your Youtube Studio, and from the dashboard tap on Customization and then select Basic Info. You will find a delete button below the custom URL and tap on it. Then under your about section, tap on Custom URL. Tap on Remove and once a pop-up appears tap on remove once again to delete the custom URL.

Can I Change Youtube URL only Once?

Youtube previously did not give the users to change the URL more than once. However, they have made more changes giving a lot of freedom to the user. You can change Youtube URL more than once but only three times in a year. Once you have changed the Youtube URL three times in the year, you need to wait for another year to change the URL. RELATED: HOW TO MAKE YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRIVATE?


YouTube is a platform with great opportunities. You can take full advantage of it once you learn all the functionality and features of YouTube. Having a default URL would be a headache to find your channel and also would not help your channel grow. Youtube understands it and provides the user with the option to change Youtube URL. In this article, we talked about the thorough process to create your own custom URL. Not only creating the custom URL but also we have provided you with a way to delete it. We hope this was a helpful article. Let us know if you have any queries. Please do share us with your friends to help anyone who is on Youtube.


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