Fact: 200 million years ago most of the earth’s land was one huge continent named Pangaea, meaning “all lands.” All the seas were one huge ocean called Panthalassa, meaning “all seas.”Fact: Millions of years ago, the place that is now New York City was on the equator.Fact: Millions of years ago Antarctica was a rain forest.Fact: Millions of years ago India broke away from Africa, slammed into Eurasia, and rumpled up the Himalaya Mountains.Fact: The Atlantic Ocean grows wider by an inch a year while the Pacific Ocean shrinks.Fact: The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean sinks about four inches every 100 years.Fact: France is slowly tilting northward, rising in the southern part, and sinking along the channel coast.Fact: Africa is slowly tearing itself apart in a place called the Rift Valley, between Zaire and East Africa.Fact: The Andes Mountains of South America are growing higher.Fact: A new island, called Surtsey, was born in 1963. It is a volcanic island off the coast of Iceland.