
Dr. Leo Baekeland and his team of chemists developed phenol formaldehyde in the early 1900s. The Bakelite Corporation came about thereafter touting the slogan, “The Material of a Thousand Uses.” Fillers were mixed into the plastic as it was heated and pressure molded, and the result was very durable dark colored material. The applications for this plastic were indeed vast, according to the American Chemical Society: “Bakelite can be molded, and in this regard was better than celluloid and also less expensive to make. Moreover, it could be molded very quickly, an enormous advantage in mass production processes where many identical units were produced one after the other. Bakelite is a thermosetting resin—that is, once molded, it retains its shape even if heated or subjected to various solvents.” Celluloid was also very flammable giving Bakelite another advantage. It could be used in situations where high heat was of concern without issue, but it wasn’t very attractive or versatile for use in consumer products when it came to color. 


Catalin, deemed “The Gem of Modern Industry” in period advertising, took things a step further in that regard. The American Catalin Corporation began making appealing plastics in the late 1920s by adding color to a liquid resin that was cast in lead forms and allowed to cool slowly, according to The Bakelite Collection by Matthew Burkholz (Schiffer). The material was still durable and heat resistant, but it was a lot more pleasing to the eye.  So while Bakelite was used for items like insulators for electrical systems or handles on Deco-era toasters, for instance, Catalin was used for manufacturing varied jewelry, colorful radios, and other consumer goods widely collected today. Even so, the majority of these objects are described as Bakelite now. You may occasionally see sellers use both terms when marketing plastics of this nature as well. The top of this particular radio style (the Model 1000 “Bullet” dating to the mid-1940s) is prone to cracking, so when it is found in excellent condition (like the one shown here) it can sell in the thousands. These models sell in the hundreds even with condition issues.  Those in more unusual shapes (like the Scottie dogs on wheels shown here) and out of the ordinary colors bring higher prices. Sets are nice to find, but they don’t necessarily bring higher prices in comparison to individual rings. Chips like these often sell for a dollar or less individually, depending on the style and color, and the caddies without poker chips go for $50-150 depending on the style. A complete set like this one in a vivid color usually brings $200-300 at auction.  Other Bakelite button examples include varied geometric shapes as well as unusual versions. featuring more than one color stacked together. The more unusual the shape or color the higher the value will be. Some round Bakelite buttons fitted with highly detailed metal inserts can also be quite valuable, such as those depicting child star Shirley Temple, as one example.  The key to a top value with these is having clean decals that are still complete. They appeal to both collectors of cartoon memorabilia as well as plastics enthusiasts.  While it’s interesting that the handset of this mono-phone Automatic Electric Co. Rotary Telephone phone is molded of Bakelite, the overall vintage styling makes it truly desirable. Other objects such as napkin rings in similar shapes, albeit much larger, were manufactured in the same way. Making great conversation pieces, these generally sell for $100 or better today in excellent condition, and unusual colors can go for even more.   Carved Bakelite almost always sells for a higher price than plain, smooth pieces. For instance, the carved ring held in the box in this photo would sell for more than the plain dome-shaped ring shown in the center.  The long horn-shaped pin in the left side of the photo is made of “apple juice” Bakelite. This type of transparent plastic can be tested for Bakelite in the same way as the opaque examples shown here.  However, rarities that aren’t working or have cracks can still be worth a good sum. Before tossing an old radio made of Bakelite, be sure to research the value thoroughly.