Little House in the Big Woods. Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, and Baby Carrie live in a log cabin in the big woods near Pepin, Wisconsin, in the 1870s.Little House on the Prairie. The Ingallses leave their cabin in the big woods and travel by covered wagon to Kansas Territory where they accidentally settle on land belonging to the Osage Indians.Farmer Boy. The story of Almanzo Wilder’s boyhood growing up on a farm near Malone, New York. On the Banks of Plum Creek. The Ingallses move to a farm near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, where they live in a dugout until Pa borrows money to build a frame house for the family.By the Shores of Silver Lake. After grasshoppers destroy their wheat crop, the Ingallses sell their farm in Minnesota and move to Dakota Territory where Pa gets a job working for the railroad.The Long Winter. During the hard winter of 1880-1881, the Ingallses move into their store building in De Smet, South Dakota. When the supply trains stop running, the family must survive with little food and no coal.Little Town on the Prairie. In the little town on the Dakota prairie, Laura attends socials and “literaries” and studies to become a teacher so she can earn money to send her sister, Mary, to a college for the blind in Iowa. These Happy Golden Years. Laura teaches at Brewster School, twelve miles from De Smet. Every Friday Almanzo Wilder arrives at the school to take her home. The First Four Years. Almanzo and Laura begin their married life on a homestead near De Smet and their daughter, Rose, is born. Each year brings many hardships but Almanzo and Laura never lose their courage and determination.

Anderson, William. Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Biography. HarperCollins, 1992.Anderson, William. Laura Ingalls Wilder Country. HarperCollins, 1990. Illustrations by Leslie A. Kelly Collins, Carolyn Strom. The World of the Little House. HarperCollins, 1996. Lasky, Kathryn. Searching For Laura Ingalls: A Reader’s Journey. Macmillan, 1993. In this photo-essay, Kathryn Lasky, her husband and daughter set out to find the settings of all the Little House books.Walker, Barbara M. The Little House Cookbook: Frontier Foods From Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Classic Stories. HarperCollins, 1995. Contains passages from the Little House books, frontier recipes, and is illustrated with Garth William’s famous drawings. All About Laura Ingalls Wilder - 64