Keeping the floss as-is: If you want to keep the floss as-is, a Stitch Bow Floss holder is the way to go—simply place the floss on the top and bottom of the bow. Once you have it on the bow, you can place it in a binder.  For skeins that are used but have remaining scraps: Bobbins are great ways to keep your floss in order. Use the simple plastic bobbins on a key chain or get a bit fancier by using themed wooden bobbins. Be sure to purchase a bobbin winder, as it will make the winding go much faster.  Floss for a particular project: If you just want to organize the floss for a particular project, use a simple floss organizer. You cannot add a bulk floss on them, but they do allow for smaller portions for projects. 

One of the easiest ways to organize patterns is to use page protectors and binder notebooks. Go a step further by labeling the binders by themes. Creating binder themes will make finding a pattern easier. If binders aren’t your thing, you can organize your patterns with file folders and a filing cabinet. Needleminders keep track of your needles, not only when you are working on a project, but also when you are finished. They have become so popular that the various themes can be considered collector’s items.