It is wise to always thoroughly examine any antique porcelain piece before you make a purchase, and understand how any damage present may impact the value. Ask the sellers ample questions when purchasing online to make sure they’ve thoroughly examined an item they have listed for sale. Ask them specifically if they’ve checked problem areas as noted below. They can also use a black light to test for repairs, and that’s a wise request if the piece is in the upper echelon price-wise. Keep the following damage factors in mind when examining porcelain pieces you’re considering for purchase. This type of damage is caused by the difference in the contraction rate in the body material of an object compared to the surface layer of glaze. Improper storage in extreme temperatures (such as those found in attics and basements) or an abrupt change in temperature where an antique or collectible is stored can contribute to the occurrence of crazing. The presence of crazing usually diminishes the value of objects but it can depend on the severity of the damage and rarity of the crazed piece. Don’t overlook chips on the base of porcelain pieces though. Everything from cups and saucers to vases and figurines can easily become chipped on the base over time as they are moved from place to place. Base chips aren’t as critical as a chunk missing out of a rim or the spout of a teapot, for instance, but they should be taken into consideration when valuing porcelain just the same. The size of a base chip will also make a difference. A single tiny flake isn’t nearly as worrisome as a big gap. One of the best ways to determine if a ceramic piece is cracked is to place it on a flat surface and tap it lightly. If you hear a light ring, the piece should be fine. If it sounds more like a dull thud when tapped, there’s a good chance the piece has a crack somewhere in the porcelain and it should be examined more closely. Hairline cracks are usually more visible on the inside of items such as pitchers and vases, so shining a light inside them can be helpful. Modern paints will glow under the black light as well, so you can also detect touch-ups, repaints, and embellishments with ultraviolet light. Some repair jobs are better than others. Professionally applied repairs may actually preserve some of the value in a very desirable piece. Most repairs, however, diminish the value greatly in all but the rarest occasions so it’s wise to ferret them out before paying a good sum when adding a piece of antique porcelain to your collection.