Second Place: $75,000 scholarship, Timothy Frank Credo, 17, Mathematics and Science Academy, Highland Park, Illinois, for an engineering project that has applications in particle physics research, he developed a more precise method to measure the velocity that particles travel in an accelerator. Third Place: $50,000 scholarship, Kelley Harris, 17, C. K. McClatchy High School, Sacramento, California, fpr jer biochemistry research into the molecular structure of Z-DNA binding proteins. Her research could eventually contribute to the development of a treatment for smallpox. Fourth Place: $25,000 scholarship, Robert Thomas Cordwell, 17, Manzano High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico, for his mathematics project, “Some Results on Inclusive and Exclusive Partitions of Complete Graphs.” Fifth Place: $25,000 scholarship, Ryan Marques Harrison, 17, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, for his bioinformatics and genomics project, “A Novel Approach to Modeling pH-sensitive Regions Within Proteins.” Sixth Place: $25,000 scholarship, Lyra Creamer Haas, 17, of Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Aurora, Illinois, for her behavioral and social sciences project, “Using Textiles to Date Sites in the Norte Chico, Peru.” Seventh Place: $20,000 scholarship, Justin Alexander Kovac, 17, of Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland, for his earth and planetary science project, “The Effects of Warm Core Rings on Hurricane Intensification in the Gulf of Mexico.” Eighth Place: $20,000 scholarship, Karl James Plank, 17, of Squalicum High School, Bellingham, Washington, for his chemistry project, “Toward Self-Assembling Nanocircuitry Using Liquid Crystal Solvents.” Ninth Place: $20,000 scholarship, James Andrew Cahill, 18, of Flagstaff High School, Flagstaff, Arizona, for his earth and planetary science project, “Assessment of Equinoctial and Cross Quarter Alignments of Anasazi Origin in the Lomaki Pueblo of the Wupatki National Monument.” Tenth Place: $20,000 scholarship, Po-Ling Loh, 18, James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, Wisconsin, for mathematics project, “Closure Properties of D2p in Finite Groupings.”