Balls of yarn have a couple of advantages over skeins:

Avoid tangles. Center-pull skeins of yarn can tangle easily toward the end. Balls of yarn are less likely to tangle.Improve tension. If you have a hard time achieving even tension, try working from a ball of yarn rather than a skein.

Ball winders are available to help you with this task, but you can also do it by hand.

If you are crocheting at home in a comfortable chair, you can keep the ball of yarn in your lap or on the floor at your feet, whichever you prefer.If you are crocheting on an airplane or in a moving vehicle, tuck the ball of yarn inside a tote bag to keep it from rolling around and unwinding.

If your work is too tight, choose a larger crochet hook.​ If your work is too loose, choose a smaller crochet hook.​ Keep in mind that the hook size indicated on your yarn label is no more than a suggested starting point.​ Do your experimenting with hooks prior to starting a project. The ideal time to do this is when you are making your gauge swatches.

Hook size is not always consistent between manufacturers.​Slight differences in hook shaping might change the way you hold the hook or form your stitches.

Substitute colors in a patternChoose different yarnsAdd or subtract details: If a pattern calls for fringe you don’t like, substitute an edging, add a flower to a plain hat

As you learn more, don’t be afraid to try more complex experiments:

Add stripes to a plain patternVary the stitches you useImprovise customizations: Make long sleeves instead of short sleeves on a sweater, modify the neckline

Some of these experiments might not work out, but each one will teach you something new. Join a local crochet group or find a forum where you can continue to learn from these seasoned experts. Even if you’ve been crocheting for years, you might learn something new.